Reading – Sticky Notes pgs. 516 to end
Math – 9-4 HWPB #10 – 21 Show how you use a number line and how you draw it out.
9-4 Subtracting Integers
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Reading – Sticky Notes pgs. 516 to end
Math – 9-4 HWPB #10 – 21 Show how you use a number line and how you draw it out.
Sticky Notes pg.516- End
FYI- Because eyes of a mouse is an animal of the plains he leaves JM.
ME- there is a wolf!
FYI- The wolf can’t smell.
ME- JM gave the wolf his smelling when he named him nose of a mouse.
FYI- Nose of a mouse guides JM through the mountains.
PR- Nose of a mouse leaves JM.
ME- MF turned JM into an eagle.
ME-SB started guiding JM to the mountains.
PR/ME-SB has to stop because he is an animal of the Grassy Plains.
PR-JM smelled a wolf.
CH-A wolf.
EM-JM is scared.
PR-Wolf lost his smell.
ME-The wolf had misused his senses.
PR-W is lieing there waiting until the end,he can’t survive.
ME/PS-JM names the wolf nose-of-mouse.
EM-W is joyful.
PR-JM couldn’t see or smell anymore.
ME/PS-W will guide JM through the mountains.
ME-They started.
ME/FYI-Wolf had to stop because he was a mountain animal.
ME/PS-JM is at the Far-Off-Land.
EM-JM was sad.
PS- MF was there next to him.
ME/FYI-MF tells him he is unselfish.
ME-JM has nothing to fear.
ME-JM jumped higher.
PS-He could smell and see again.
ME-JM got called “The Eagle”.