HWAS Tues. 04/20/10

Spelling – 2ndhalf, Meaningful sentences
Reading – Sticky Notes on pgs. 479 – 481
Math – pg. 350 SET G – #1-5, pg. 351 SET H #1-4 Show work on binder paper
English Language Arts – Ditto, Commas
Other – Have PROGRESS REPORT signed.

2 thoughts on “HWAS Tues. 04/20/10

  1. My dad only buys things that are on sale because they are cheaper than retail price.
    When my dad comes home he is the dirtiest man on Earth with all the grime,dirt,and grease on his work clothes.
    My friend Kyle throws the baseball farthest on my team.
    Rutter is the nearest ball park to my house.
    Calling someone a loser is impolite.
    Mr. Alfonso is the loudest teacher on campus.
    My nana is the feistiest nana ever because she tried to wake board at 60 years old.
    NE-YO has a song called closer that I really like.
    I have greater speed than a turtle.
    Mr. Alfonso isn’t the harshest teacher.

  2. 2nd Half Meaningful Sent.

    11.cheaper; Mymom likes to buy cheaper clothes for the summer.
    12.dirtiest; My puppy was the dirtiest when he came back from the backyard.
    13.farthest; When my auntie kicked the soccerball it went the farthest in the world.
    14.nearest; I was the nearest at finding the golden egg on Easter.
    15.loser; My baby brother can make the loser sign with his little fingers.
    16.loudest; I would be the loudest girl in the whole universe if someone tryed to kidnapped.
    17.feistiest; I would be the feistiest if someone would try to steal my baby brother or younger sister.
    18.closer; We live closer to David Reese than Rutter Middle School.
    19.greater; It was much greater if we went to John’s Incredible the Chuck E. Cheese’s.
    20.harshest; Mr.Alfonso says that he can be the harshest when someone gets hurt.

    Sticky Notes pgs.479-481
    FYI-Bill watched as the cowboys drove thousands of ornery longhorn steers past his parents’ farm to stockyards in Kansas.

    FYI-Some cowboys tipped their hats to signal hello.

    FYI-Behind them they left hoofed-beaten dirt and smell of adventures.

    ST-In the evenings after the last bunch of corn pone had been eaten.

    FYI-Bill had two cousins Anderson Pickett and Jerry Barton who were trail-driving horsemen.

    FYI- Bill would lie in his bed and dream of the day he’d be old enough to rope mossback cattle.

    ST/FYI-One afternoon Bill was straddling the gate as usual when he spotted an eye-popping sight. a bulldog was holding a restless cow’s lower lip with its fangs.

    FYI-Bill moved closer to get a better look at how the bulldog was holding the cow’s lip.

    FYI-Bill started to wonder “If a small bulldog can do it, why can’t I do it?”

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