HWAS Tues. 02/09/10

Spelling – 1st AND 2nd Halves, meaningful sentences
Reading – TBH Sticky Notes pg. 407-411
ELA – Ditto on Adverbs, both sides

For notes on ADVERBS, start at slide 41.

To download:
HWAS Week10B
Ditto, side 1 IMG_0058
Ditto, side 2 IMG_0126
Cut-out for NOTEBOOK 3-13f

7 thoughts on “HWAS Tues. 02/09/10

  1. 1. Watch out! That hill is steep.
    2. My dad told me to decide between a 120GB PS3, or a 180MB PS2. I choose the PS3.
    3. In the show Everybody Hates Chris, Chris scratches his mothers James Brown record and it repeats the word Payback over and over again.
    4. The bully yelled freeze, so on instinct I ran.
    5. Martin Luther King was a great Civil Rights Leader.
    6. Mr. Alfonso wants us to complete all of our homework so we get good grades.
    7. Grandma got ran over by a reindeer while she was walking home from her sons house.
    8. Sleeves are important to maintain body heat.
    9. Criss Angel appears to die but does not die.
    10. Beavers chew on wood to make their homes and build dams.
    11. When our dog Maggie was a puppy, she ran thru the screen door.
    12. The feature film was Avatar the Story of Pandora.
    13. There are 27 scenes in my funniest film ever.
    14. My head rests beneath the pillow because my dad snores really loud.
    15. When Britney had her baby she had to have a needle so she wouldn’t feel contractions.
    16. I hope my peer Kyle will be on my baseball team.
    17. It takes a long time to get a medical degree.
    18. My teacher made me do previous work that I forgot to turn in.
    19. My parents reduce waste by recycling.
    20. In the process of movie making the sequence is: script, storyboard, actors, director, director assistant, writer and editor.

  2. #1 If you fall in a (steep) hole you will be injured.
    #2 When I was going to a wedding I could not (decide) to wear a mini skirt or a dress.
    #3 When I say something I do not ever want to (repeat) it.
    #4 When Mr. Alfonso says G double O D it spells good and we reply Job we need to (freeze) (Good Job).
    #5 When you are in student council you are the (leader) of your class.
    #6 If you do not (complete) your notes you will not get good grades on your report card.
    #7 Riendeer have horns that were used for tools a long time ago.
    #8 If I rip my (sleeves) my mom is going to yell at me.
    #9 A show can (appear) more than once.
    #10 In The Chronicles Of Narnia there is a (beaver) named beaver.

    Lucy, if you read this in time, the homework is #1-20. You still have #11-20 to do.

  3. 1.steep-I went skiing on a steep mountain.
    2.decide-I couldn’t decide if I should take the skis or the snow bored.
    3.repeat-I failed on the test so I had to repeat it.
    4.freeze-The cops say to the bad guys ” FREEZE”.
    5.leader-Martin Luther King Jr. was a great leader.
    6.complete-I could watch t.v. until my homework was complete.
    7.reindeer-On Xmas people put reindeer on their lawn.
    8.sleeves-When your washing your hands you should roll up your sleeves.
    9.appear-When I lost my binder I looked in my room and it wasn’t there then I looked again and it appeared out of no ware.
    10.beaver-Beavers build dams.
    11.screen-My mom said not to look close to the t.v. screen or I will blind my self.
    12.feature-I watched the Spy Next Door featuring Jackie Chan, Billy Ray Sires and, George Lopez.
    13.scene-In every scene there’s a different camera angle.
    14.beneath-I used to think that there was a monster beneath my bed.
    15.needle-I’m afraid of needles.
    16.peer-I liked to go to the peer to listen to soothing water.
    17.degree-When I grow up I hope to get a college degree.
    18.previous-The previous dog I had was better than the one I have now.
    19.reduce-Everybody has to reduce,reuse,and recycle.
    20.sequence-The houses were sequenecely lined up.

  4. 1. Alot of mountains are very steep.
    2. For me it’s hard to decide between mint or chocolate ice cream.
    3. Excuse me can you please repeat that word?
    4. I like to freeze my Gogart before I eat it.
    5. Little kids play a game called follow the leader.
    6. I have a long way to go before I complete this.
    7. I like the tale of Rodouph The Red Nose Reindeer.
    8. You should roll up your sleeves before you eat if your sleeves are long.
    9. Some things are not as they appear.
    10. In the Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe there is a beaver.
    11. Do Not stay too close to the TV screen when you watch it.
    12. ” The feature presentation will start in a moment”
    13. Scene one take one!
    14. Beneath the desk is wires.
    15. I don’t like it when the nurse sticks the needle in my skin.
    16. In fourth grade i was a Peer Nomanator.
    17. You need a degree to get a good job.
    18. Can you repeat the previous word?
    19. Some times on Earth Day people sing reduce reuse and recycle.
    20. My brother asked me yesturday what a sequence is.

  5. 1.steep~If it is raining really hard it’s really steep in most puddles.
    2.decide~My sister had to decide to go In-n-Out or either Home Town Buffet.
    3.repeat~My mom makes me repeat almost everything I say.
    4.freeze~When it is snowing the snow makes the river freeze.
    5.leader~When you are a director you have to be the leader for the movie.
    6.complete~If I don’t complete my homework my mom will make me stay up all night.
    7.reindeer~I thought reindeer weren’t real but now I know they are.
    8.sleeves~I always roll up my sleeves when I write.
    9.appear~Diana told me that on YouTube there is somene who appears in a scary little film.
    10.beaver~Beavers are diffrent from playtapusses because a playtapusses are half duck half beaver.
    11.screen~My dad has a forty-two (42) inch Plasma Screen TV.
    12.feature~A camera has a features to take pictures and record.
    13.scene~On Sarina’s movie we had 10 scenes to shoot.
    14.beneath~Diana snuck beneath a desk in Eagle Academy.
    15.needle~I am scared of a doctor putting a needle through my finger.
    16.peer~I get along with my peers at school all the time.
    17.degree~You need a degree to have a great job and big house.
    18.previous~The previous notes I liked were sentence varity.
    19.reduce~People have to reduce if they want a cleaner enviroment.
    20.sequence~In paragraphs you can use a sequence.

  6. 1. Hills are too steep for us to walk down, so we have to silde down.
    2. I decided that we should go to the park and play.
    3. We repeated a poem in class five times.
    4. It was so cold that I could see my breath in the air.
    5. Our leader takes his responsibility to do the right thing.
    6. She had to complete her homework in order to get a full grade.
    7. Santa uses his reindeers to pull his sleigh and help give out presents to us.
    8.The sleeves on my shirt are too long for my arm, I need to cut them.
    9. Ghosts appear in the night so they can avoid most of the daylight in the morning and afternoon.
    10. Beavers build a home underwater called dam.
    11. My teacher uses a screen to display our homework on it.
    12. New features on the airplane are the wings and the colors.
    13. Crime scenes usually have things that the murderer leaves behind.
    14. He had to hide under the table to not let anybody see him.
    15. Mom usually use needles to sew her ripped clothes together.
    16. Her peers get along with her everywhere, all the time.
    17. You need to get a degree in order to have a good job.
    18. Previously, I took notes on sentence variety, so I don’t need to take it again.
    19. To reduce fractions, you need to know how to multiply.
    20. Using sequence in paragraphs make your writing improve.

  7. Sticky Notes
    FYI- Indian storytellers told stories of buffalo giants, buffalo ghosts, and buffaloes that magically transform into men
    FYI- Some said that buffaloes used to eat Indians
    ME- One day a legendary figure organized a race between the Indians and the buffaloes and see who would win, the Indians won
    FYI- They said that buffaloes began in the depths of a lake in Canada
    FYI- Buffaloes supplied the Indians with raw meat and their skin for other supplies
    ME- They carried buffalo-like stones and buffalo fossils to represent good luck
    ME- Indians traveled on foot b/c there wasn’t any horse in that time
    FYI- The first horses brought to America was by Spanish explorers
    FYI- The horses were used to travel long distances and chase the herds of buffalo
    FYI- In time Indians were the finest horsemen
    FYI- Besides hunting buffaloes the Indians also hunted deers, elks, and sometimes bears
    FYI- Tribes were made up of many independent bands
    FYI- Every Indian man has to become a fearless hunter and warrior
    FYI- Buffaloes can stab a bear to death

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