Math – TBH pg. 239 Independent Practice – 6 – 10
Show work on binder paper
Reading – TBH – Sticky Notes on pgs. 249-251
Spelling – 1st Half, Meaningful Sentences
1st half list:
1. I do not have a wristwatch.
2. I have never seen a gnat.
3. My brother and I see a lot of credit card debt commercials.
4. I used to know a girl named Autumn.
5. I like to go folk dancing.
6. When some people dance they really get into the rhythm.
7. I should’ve known not to scream.
8. In my book the ninja sliced pumkin pies with a sword.
9. When it stinks I wrinklemy nose.
10. When some one dives they try to stay in one column.
1.wristwatch~My dad and uncles have many wristwatches.
2.gnat~Some people are born with gnats on their jaw. Really?
3.debt~Alot of people struggle with debt because of the economy.
4.autumn~I like autumn because of the color of the leaves.
5.folk~Some people barely know what is folk music.
6.rhythm~When I listen to music I always try to hear the rhythm or sound.
7.known~I known I liked guavas since I was really little.
8.sword~I like how the sword glisten in the sun when you take it out.
9.wrinkle~If you don’t iron your clothes they would get really wrinkled when you wash your clothes.
10.column~Everytime I go see my uncle in Galt there are alot of columns of corn and other vegatables grow.
Melissa, these sentences need to be more meaningful. What does a wristwatch do? Describe what folk music is.
#1 My mom uses her (wristwatch) to check what time it is.
#2 There was a (gnat) on Araceli’s sandwich yesturday.
#3 Thier are some people that don’t have to pay (debt) because people help them.
#4 Many people are looking forward to the season after (Autumn).
#5 My friend Denise loves (folk) music.
#6 Every drummer has very well (rhythm).
#7 My mom hasn’t (known) that 3 days ago was the annaversary of my grandmothers death.
#8 In the old days people used (swords) nowadays they don’t.
#9 My mom irnes my clothes so they won’t come out with one (wrinkle).
#10 In my backpack there is a notebook full of (columnes)
#11 My brother and I always (wrestle) when were boared.
#12 When I’m in trouble my mom or dads face is full of (doubt).
#13 Mice don’t take big bites they (gnaw) thier food.
#14 Most of my class (listen) in class.
#15 I not only eat the (yolk) but the rest of the egg too.
#16 When my parents leave me alone I have the (whole) house to myself.
#17 My teacher just can’t wait until I get married and walk down the (aisle)
#18 When my bike breaks I buy new (wheels).
#19 Alot of people can (rhyme) up to 80 words starting with hat.
#20 My favorite subject is (science) because you usually use chemicals.
11.wrestle-when ever me and my sister gets on each others nerves we wrestle.
12.doubt-she doubt that the baby could walk so soon.
13.gnaw-on Thanks Giving we gnaw threw the turkey.
14.listen-my mom always tells me to listen.
15.yolk-the egg yolk is yellow.
16.whole-under five minuets we ate the whole pizza.
17.aisle-we were looking for dog food so we looked in aisle 17.
18.wheels-the wheels on the bus go round and round.
19.rhymes-Cristina rhymes with Khaila. learn about science in class.
Rachel, please capitalize your sentences. Copy and paste, redo, resubmit. Thanks!
11. My brother and dad wrestle after dinner.
12. I doubt my cat and my dog will get along.
13. My hamster used to gnaw on his food.
14. When we are in class we have to listen to Mr. Alfonso.
15. I don’t really like the egg white, but I love the yolk.
16. If you gave me a big tray of cheeseburgers I eat the whole thing.
17. I love going down the brownie aisle at the store.
18. My dad took the rims off the car wheels.
19. My dad calls me Sarina Barina because Sarina rhymes with Barina.
20. Our science books says that our bodies are complex machines.