18 thoughts on “WORKSHOP BLOG: How did you do?

  1. Our class did well with the subsitute. While doing reading, we were all quiet, and taking AR test quietly. Quietly, our classwlked in a straight line and walked in a straight line. In the class, we started DOL right away. When we went to the librrary we set are books in the cart very carefully and it did not make a sound . Ms.Wells said “You guys are an awsome class!” I think our rate is a five star.

  2. The class was a tad noisy, but we were good. Ms.Wells made a scale with numbers 1-5 5 is the best you can get and we ended up with five.She didn`t have to raise her voice at all.

  3. (My opinion) Most of the class behaved. (2) Most of the class were participating in the writing of “My favorite food” (4) We did very good in the libary. (3) The class was kinda noisy. (2) Overall the class was very well. (5)

  4. I did awful at first. then Miss.Sanders came and said “if i am good i could help in egiel acdimy.” So I did good for the rest of the day. I got to help hook up the moive prgeter. everybody else acted better than me. I got to help with a mutipcacion problem.

  5. I think the class behaved very well. We started at a 5 and then we got a 3 on the scale and then back to a 5. The substitute said we were a good class too. Im glad that she left a positive note so that we got 25 pat points. She was a really nice substitute teacher,and I hope that we could have her again. I think the class was great!

  6. Happily, the class did great. Sometimes we were a little noisy. She put the pointer down to 3. In the class, during, AR we were quiet.we went back up to 5. Rating the class together with me I think we were great. The reason is because we were great, in the middle of the day!

  7. yesturday the class was well for one excception of three classmates not following instructions. The line after recess was a little crooked, but we all straightend up when ms. gaviola came by. We did a very good job in the library with being quiet and obeying orders. At lunch our classes line was chosen first besides all the other lines. During lunch, the class was very, very, very, quiet. Near the end of the day one child would not cooperate, but we still had lots of fun.

  8. The day went well with the substitute. During DOL we were quiet. We were glad to have Ms. Wells for a substitute.In class, when it was almost the end of the day, Ms. Wells told us what we have for homework.

  9. The class did very well with the sudsitutue. During the middle of the day we went down to three points,but we earned then back by quieting down. We did everything as a class together.

  10. I think we did great on a scale of one to ten. We had a ten out of ten. I think we treated Mrs.Wellswith respect. We had a couple bad moments but we worked through them. I would have Mrs.Wells for asubstiute any time. WE HAD A GREAT DAY! Mrs.Wells is a great substitute.

  11. In the classroom we did great and we helped and followed directions. Quietly we talked but sometimes we were loud and on the scale it went down a few times but then it went back up. Standing in line we were a little loud and not straight but when a teacher told us she was going to text Mr.Alfonso we got straight and quiet right away. we all did our work but we didn’t get to finish some work

  12. The subsitute was well. some people wher taking so we lost a point. We wher good the restofthe day. We red the lion the whitch and the wordrob.we also did nots and math. We wathed the movie …a little bit. some people are soposto owe ther reses.

  13. In class, we had the same subsitittut in frouth grade. Sometime we are quit but and Kyle was bothering me and I can’t even finish. When we were not verey quit

  14. Quietly, mr.Alfonso’s class behaved well for ms.Wells. Lining up mr. Alfonso’s class got a complement fom ms.Gaviola. In class, mr. Alfonso’s class behave well for ms. Wells. ‘You guys behaved well and you earn a pizza party’ said mr.Alfonso Did my class bahaved well? mr.Alfonso asked ms wells. We behave super! shouted mr.Alfonso’s class.

  15. The day went with the substiutre. During the DOL we were quiet &some people try to get more tickerts then then they need to get. We did a good job but Jonny was not doiong the writing at all but wand he had to own resees it was three of them. I did good but not very well. But thecalss did well.

  16. Normely we behaved well to the subsitute. I was doing is that Iwas quiet,and I was follwing direction. In the classroom Ms.Wells taught all of us well. “Emily tell me whats your favorite food”said ms.Wells. “Fried rice”said I. Why we call Ms. W instead of Ms. Wells? This is the seconde time I had her for our subsitute!

  17. my class behaved well for the subsitue and some people weren’t very well also I think
    I did good but I don’t know what the subsitue think about me but I think I was kind of bad to and why I think I was bad because sometime I do wrong thing that I can’t do in school sometimes

  18. Normally, we were good, but some people were noisy. The class was helpful. In the class, Jasmine told me the page number of the booklet.”Some people were not doing what the sub told us to do,” said the sub. Learning in class, a teacher came in and nobody said a thing. Why do we call her Ms.W? The whole class was the best class I have teach in my life!

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