SP – 2nd half of definitions and meaningful sentences
M – 8-11 HWPB Show work on binder paper
R – Sticky Notes pg. 526-529
ENG – Write a letter to Jakara using the “friendly” letter format
SOC. STUD. Illustrate the New England town on pgs. 216-217
Sticky Notes Ashleen Prasad -#17 -4/17/08 -Reading
Me: They found freshwater.
PS: Tim Me Carthy had to take care of 2 sickmen.
FYI: They had water for drinking, warm, & food.
FYI: They had continued to climb.
FYI: All they could carry was a stove, 6 meals, fifty feet of rope, & an ice ax.
FYI: They had socks around their neks.
FYI: It was dangerous to climb.
May 19, 1916
FYI: The men had to struggle up mountains, only to find the other side.
FYI: The men took a nap for 5 min- so 1 person can be awake & wake the others.
FYI: From one mountain they saw the night was coming was fast.
Spelling (Latin Roots) Ashleen Prasad #17
1. animal 13. applaud 21. hosp
2. vacuum 14. popular 22. dent
3. captain 15. terrain 23. pop
4. transistor 16.temporary 24. cred
5. applaud 17. audition 25. vac
6. temporary 18. introduction
7. popular 19.dentist
8. transfer 20. credit
9. introduction
10. credit
11. recognized
12. audition