Welcome Families!

Welcome Families!

This site is designed with you in mind. Please visit it regularly and make comments especially if there is information that you would like to see posted that would be helpful to you. Be sure to check out the calendar frequently to help you keep up with what’s happening with your child at school. I will make videos of students working and reading throughout the year as well as post pictures, so please be sure to turn in the “Opt Out” form at the beginning of the year so I know whether or not to include your child on the blog.

Beginning of the year wish list

The first day of school your child will need:

1. Regular size backpack with your child’s name on it.
2. A healthy snack – fruit, nuts, cheese, crackers – they should eat breakfast and lunch before and after class so that all they need is a small snack at school.
3. Closed toe shoes that they can fasten themselves.
4. A change of clothing if they are still having problems making it to the bathroom on time.

I look forward to meeting all of you and your children and am anticipating a great school year together.

My job is to support you and your family in doing the MOST important job on Earth – parenting.   Please let me know how I can better serve you.


Camila McFarland

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