April 17th!

I hope everyone is having a great time off.  I also hope that everyone is utilizing the CST released questions as practice for the upcoming tests.  Keep practicing, even if you have completed every problem.  We will review all of this when we get back to school on May 2.  I believe that CST testing commences May 20-24.  Keep up the good work!

2 thoughts on “April 17th!

  1. Hi Mr. Lapachet how are you? Did you know at school the other tracks have started C.S.T testing because i went there yesterday to finish pictures and mostly all the teachers said the C.S.T testing is going and i also saw a lot of posters in the cafeteria and office.

  2. Shayal, I am doing just fine! Yes, C and D tracks are now testing and I too was at school yesterday morning.

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