How To comment

While commenting you  should complement the writer in a specific way when you are doing this you must be positive and specific do not unposted comments. Next, is to add new information and  factual information. For example, if someone is writing about the statue of liberty and you seen or read about the statue of liberty add some new facts about it. Thirdly,  is to make connections with the writer to make a comment better it is nice to have a connection. For example if someone post about their camping trip and it reminded you of hiking a big bear you might want to share some facts about your camping trip. Fourthly,  is to end with a question try to get a conversation going. For example, if someone is writing about ladybugs and you have a question like what color are they then you should ask hopefully the blogger will respond to your question good to get a little conversation going  at the end. Lastly, is to proofread you comment always at the begging you sentence you use capital letters and at the use pepertions. Always use one exclamation mark and if you want to show more excitement use more words and if you use the pronoun I always capitalize it.

One thought on “How To comment

  1. Hi, Iziah!
    My name is Mrs. Wohlafka, and I am your commenter for Week 2 for Student Blogging Challenge.
    I like your suggestion in “How To Comment” to add new information and factual information to what somebody has posted! Have you ever been to the Statue of Liberty? I live near New York City, and have been there many times. It’s cool!
    I see you are Mexican. Do you speak Spanish? I was born in Norway, and I speak Norwegian with my mom.
    I also see you like to read Magic Tree House books. I love that series! I am a librarian.

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