Scary Portrait

September 24, 2014

Liquid Light

September 23, 2014 1Safe Light Use a dark yellow, light amber or red safelight while coating but when emulsion is drying and for storage total darkness is recommended. At room temperature, liquid light is a solid gel and before use the bottle must be soaked in a container of hot water until it becomes a liquid at about […]

Dance Blur

September 23, 2014

  Shutter Speed: 4    F Stop: 11     ISO: 1600 Shutter Speed: 4     F Stop 13     ISO:1600   Shutter Speed: 2    F Stop: 13    ISO: 1600

Photo Sketch

September 23, 2014

Anti Litter Ad

September 23, 2014

Maggie Taylor and Jerry Uelsmann Blog

September 18, 2014

Maggie Taylor is an artist who works with digital images. Her work has been widely exhibited in the United States and Europe and is represented within the permanent collections of several galleries and museums. She is the third wife of American photographer, Jerry Uelsmann. She produces prints by scanning objects into a computer using a flatbed scanner, then layering and manipulating […]

Photo Journalism

September 10, 2014–photo-1218   1)Photo journalism is branch of journalism characterized by the use of images to tell a story. They narrate the events occurring in the pictures. 2) The difference between a photograph and photo journalism is that photo journalism tells a story or depicts events while a photograph doesn’t have to do any of […]

Photo Inside Text

September 10, 2014

Studio Project

September 3, 2014

Photographer: Michael Jones Michael Jones does a lot of high key/low key studio advertisement pictures, so what I’m going to do for my studio project is take my black watch and create a high key setting to advertise it.    


September 2, 2014

Cyanotype is a 170 year old photographic printing process that produces prints in a distinctive dark greenish-blue. David Chow: Anna Atkins:  

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