Fish Swimming in the Sky

January 8, 2015

The assignment we did was called fish swimming in the sky. I found pictures online of different types of fish and I put them in the sky. The background I used was a picture on the internet of New York City and it’s sky


Studio Project

January 8, 2015

The studio project I will do is silhouettes. To do a silhouette, I’m going to put a person in front of the white background and use the studio lighting in order to make them appear completely black in the picture, therefore making a silhouette.



Scary Landscape

October 8, 2014


Zoom Exercises

October 7, 2014

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Scary Teacher

October 6, 2014


Photo Essay

October 3, 2014

The photo essay assignment I completed was centered around my trip to San Francisco for my cousin’s twenty first birthday. My photo essay brings in culture as it demonstrates an Americanized Indian birthday party. The photos were taken in two days and the general setting was his house, where the party was held. The tone for the essay represented a celebration vibe and has a positive outlook.

The first few pictures I took showed the preparations for the party. We had to decorate and set up everything. After I arrived at his house, we began to set up tables, set up the food display, and pick up supplies. First, we went and picked up tacos and taco meat from a Mexican restaurant and then we went and bought ingredients to make cupcakes. The appetizers turned out to be food from many different cultures.
As people started to show up, the party became a lot livelier. Every one introduced themselves to each other and was really nice. Most of the people were hanging out and eating and having a good time talking and reminiscing. I became well acquainted with his friends and other family and it ended up as us having a really good time. Even though it was his twenty first birthday, he didn’t want to drink any alcohol since it is slightly disrespectful in front of adults, even if they were the ones consuming it.

After everyone got to know eachother, it was time for the childhood pictures of my cousin. They made a power point presentation of all the baby and little kid pictures of him and his family. Everyone began to reminisce and had a good time looking at the old pictures. After looking at the pictures on the TV, dinner was served. Dinner consisted of mainly traditional Indian food that everyone enjoyed. Family and friends were gathered around and joked around while all of us were eating.

The party attenders gathered around as the birthday cake was about to be cut after dinner. It had a big “Happy 21st Birthday Sanjeet” written across it. The cake was eggless, which made many people not want to eat the cake, which was the reason why my other cousin prepared cupcakes before-hand. We all sang happy birthday and then took pictures with the birthday boy. It was also a special birthday for him since he was able to have both of his grandmas be able to attend the party.

Most of his friends left before the dancing started. One of his cousins started playing this popular Indian instrument called a Dhol. It’s like a huge two sided bongo that you play with these special sticks. The whole family got up and started dancing while I was taking the pictures. It lasted for about twenty minutes before everyone got tired and decided to just relax. The party was pretty much over after that, as people started to leave since it was about 12 am. The rest of the night consisted of the family just sitting and talking and allowing for people to leave.

The next day began the after-party cleanup process. After all the time we spent setting everything up, it was time to start throwing and cleaning everything out. Following the cleanup process was the 49ers football game that the family watched on the TV. With them living in San Francisco, the game was a very big deal, but they ended up losing which disappointed everyone. My mother and I left their house after the game since it was Sunday and we had to be home for the following Monday. The party was a great experience as it mixed in American culture with Indian culture.

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30 View 3 Pics

October 2, 2014

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Scary Portrait

September 24, 2014


Liquid Light

September 23, 2014

1Safe Light
Use a dark yellow, light amber or red safelight while coating but when emulsion is drying and for storage total darkness is recommended.
At room temperature, liquid light is a solid gel and before use the bottle must be soaked in a container of hot water until it becomes a liquid at about 110 Deg F. It is not necessary to melt the entire contents if only a portion is to be used as the mixture is of a similar consistency throughout and in fact shaking the bottle will cause bubbles to form which can effect the application of the emulsion. Use containers and tools made only from plastic, rubber, enamel, stainless steel or glass. (Other metals such as plain steel or brass may contaminate the emulsion. Temperature and humidity in the darkroom should be moderate.

2Increasing density and sensitivity
A small, precisely-measured amount of paper developer added to liquid light just before use will give maximum speed and contrast. Add exactly one part of working developer to 10 parts of liquid light. Example: Add 15ml of dektol, Neutol or equivalent diluted 1-2 (Not stock or concentrated solution) to 150ml of liquid light. Mix well, an coat this mixture during the same day. (Once coated and dried, material can be stored of an indefinite period).

3Applying liquid emulsion
Use a brush, small sponge or a nap type paint applicator, by using a paint roller, spray gun, or by flowing on the emulsion and draining off the excess. At the same time, coat a few pieces of paper or file cards with the same mixture to serve as test strips to calculate the correct exposure. Like paint, too thin a coating of liquid light will show streaks and brush stokes. If an even coating is required, two thin coats will cover better than one and the second can be applied after the first has become tacky or dried. As you are applying the solution, remember to keep the emulsion warm in a water bath as it will begin to set again if it becomes cool.

Liquid light can be exposed once it is dry by using an enlarger, contact printing, or by a slide projector. Liquid light is slower than normal enlargement papers and requires a longer exposure time. Suggested exposure for an 8×10 from a 35mm neg enlarged full frame is about 40sec @ f5.6. If using an enlarger for large works, you will need to reduce the amount of light projected on to the surface,and this can be done by tapping a piece of black stiff card over the front lens with a hole 1/8 inch diameter cut in the middle to act as a diaphragm that limits light out put and sharpens the image.

5Processing liquid emulsion – development
For preparations on paper, develop like a normal print in a tray, or for other surfaces paint the developer on with a brush or sponge. A developer like Dektol or Neutol should be used diluted 1 part with 2 parts water. It is important that while the temperature of the developer is warm it is not above 70 deg F or 21 deg C. to avoid melting of the emulsion. For large surfaces where the developer must be applied to a portion of the print at a time, even out the development by first wetting the emulsion with cool water.

Do not rinse with water or use a stop bath after developing. Use two consecutive identical hardening fixer baths. The first acts as a short stop; immerse for a few seconds to neutralize the developer. Next place in the second bath for 10 min or more until the chalky white pigment disappears, leaving the highlights completely transparent. (The second fixer should always be new and some agitation should be used).

Wash in the normal manner for at least 10 min in running water.

Dance Blur

September 23, 2014



Shutter Speed: 4    F Stop: 11     ISO: 1600


Shutter Speed: 4     F Stop 13     ISO:1600



Shutter Speed: 2    F Stop: 13    ISO: 1600

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