Photoshop Tutorial

August 29, 2014 1) Open scatter_before.jpg then press Cmd/Ctrl+J to duplicate the background layer. Grab the Polygonal Lasso tool, then click around the model to make a rough selection. Once the selection is complete, right click inside it and Choose Fill. 2)Go to the Layers panel (Window>Layers). Click the eye icon on the top layer to hide it, […]

10 Tips

August 29, 2014

black and white landscape Focusing on the eyes Fill Flash Group Picture Hyperfocul focusing technique Landscape Aperture Priority Macro Shoot from the hip     Standard Lens    

10 Photography Tips

August 26, 2014

Use standard or telephoto lens:A better choice for portraits is either a standard lens or a short telephoto lens. The classic portrait focal lengths for a full-frame camera are 50mm, 85mm prime lenses and a 70-200mm zoom Use aperture priority: Aperture Priority gives you direct control over the aperture, and as a result the depth of field […]

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