Macro (5)

May 29, 2013

Class Portrait

May 28, 2013


May 28, 2013

Painting With Light

May 28, 2013

Final Project-Panoramic Pictures

May 24, 2013

High Key/Low Key

May 23, 2013

 High Key  Low Key


May 22, 2013

Mirror Image Research- Kristen Bruni

May 22, 2013

Kristin is a Chicago based artist who studied Art & Interior Design  at Illinois State University from 1989 – 1993,  and finished with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Columbia College in 1994.  In the mirroring process, geometric & organic lines appear to converge,  resulting in kaleidoscopic – as well as vibrant – designs & […]

Photo Essay

May 19, 2013

                    For my photo essay, I took six pictures of a day of living in the country side. I’ve lived in Wilton for the past six years, so I took pictures of my everyday life. Most of the pictures I took were just chores that I do, but I […]

Final Project Proposal

May 17, 2013

Jesse Goff is a commercial advertising photographer based in San Francisco, CA. He has operated his photography production studio in San Francisco since 1995. As a photographer, Jesse’s artistic visual sense, technical knowledge of photography, state of the art equipment and quality post production has landed him clients such as Sony, Kodak, Apple, Barclays and Jose Cuervo. As a […]

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