Sixth Grade

This school year went by super fast. I’ve learned how fun learning can be in her class.  Ms. Gaviola is the best teacher ever! We always have fun in class. She’s not rude at all to me and that’s why she is my top favorite too. She makes class time fly. This year, I finally learned who my true friends at school are. You can’t really trust everybody that your friends with. My friends are the best! I’m going to miss my friends even though I might see some of them at Jackman. I’m going to miss the best soccer player, my stylist, Lely and best friend. Sixth grade is the last time you really see all your classmates together. I thought about going to Harriet Eddy, but I changed my mind for a couple of them. They’re not family by blood, but they’re family by heart. Leaving them was a difficult choice, so that’s why I’m staying.  Although I have people that I don’t get along with there, I’m sill going. I’m going to focus on being the best that I can be. I made this school my home. I never thought I had to leave it one day. Now that in 22 days we’re promoting. I have a happy feeling. For one day, we’re going to dress up fancy, smile together and hug our goodbyes. I’m going to miss this school so much! ☹


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