Valentine’s Day ♥

Valentine’s Day is near and I haven’t bought my friends nothing. I have no idea what to get my cousin Kristina and my three best friends in the whole wide world, Michelle, Juanito and Andres. People asked me, “What are you doing on Friday?” Well, on Friday, I’m going to give them their gifts. The entire day until sunset, Andres, Kristina and I are going to hang out. After dusk, Juanito, Andres, Michelle, Kristina and I are going to have a movie night. Hopefully, we watch a horror movie. My mom is going to buy a lot of candy, soda, cookies, chips and order food. I can already tell that I’m going to get hyper. Just hoping no one thinks I’m crazy. Since my cousin wanted to hear me sing, I’m going to sing on Valentine’s Day. This is going to be the best Valentine’s day ever!

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Make A Change

Who said that you have to be a soldier or someone like Abraham Lincoln to make a change? Yea, we’re not someone important because we’re not famous or fight for our country, but we are common people. We can also make a change. Couple days ago, I was watching a Indian movie with Kriti and my cousins, Kristina and Sabnil. The Bollywood actor, Salman Khan, was a former Major Jai Agnihotri. He got suspended from the army because he ignored the orders of high command and went ahead to rescue a bunch of children from terrorists. As a common man in the movie, he was thanks for returning a kidnapped baby to it’s parents. He asked them for a favor in return. He said, “Don’t say thank you … instead you help three people … and ask those three people to help three others … the world will change.” As the chain grew, people were being helped out all over the state. All I’m trying to say is that we can make a whole new change by helping others. I mean how many times do we help others? Just think about this. We spend twelve years, plus college, on studying and the rest of our lives we have to work. Why don’t we spend our years also helping out people and making a change? I know this sounds silly, but I already started the chain. Why don’t you make a change too!

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