
        My favorite holiday is Christmas. I get to spend time with my my family and I get to get presents too. This year, I’m going to get a lot of presents because I’m the only kid in the house. The sad part is, my mom and dad have work so they don’t get to spend time with me. Luckily, my friends decided to spend the day with me so I won’t be left out. I also like Christmas because it’s on the 25th. The 25th is near the 28th, which is my birthday. That means I get more presents. Other then that, I get to put on a show for everyone. I get to sing the Christmas Carols wherever I go. I’m going to put  a smile on everyone’s face. I think nobody should be sad or feeling left out on a joyful holiday. I’m going to give more than I get. For me, Christmas isn’t about all the gifts. Although I don’t get to spend that much time with my mom and dad, I’ll still have fun and be happy. I mean isn’t that what Christmas is about? Being happy, having fun and spreading love? I’m going to make this Christmas, the best Christmas ever!☺