School During First Trimester

        The first trimester went well. My goal was to become friends with those who disliked me. I never thought it would be possible to become friends with them. I did what my sister, Kriti, told me to do and now we’re all friends. I reached my goal andI’m proud of myself. I only have one more goal for the rest of my school year, which is to walk the stage. My family is looking forward for me to walk the stage on the last day of school. My mom and dad want me to get straight A’s, but it’s not as easy as they think it is. They want me to become a successful person throughout life, that’s why I put my heart into studying. Kriti wants me to stay out of drama and fights, so I won’t get suspended. She’s the only reason why I ignore people who are problem creators. She wants me to be a lead by example and not follow crowd. I think I should change my behavior, while I’m in school. A lot of people think that I have a bad attitude. I try controlling my language at school, which goes pretty well. I barely curse nowadays and now people think I’ve become a new person. A person with a heart. I like my change. Not only is it a good thing, but it’s something that makes me proud of myself. Elementary school is leading me to take my first step into my future.




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