20 09 2013

Some people think that I’m not good at soccer, and they think that will stop me. They are wrong.It’s just going to make me work harder than before. People think that I will not even have a chance of being a soccer player. I WILL prove them wrong. I will NEVER EVER EVER EVER GIVE UP!!!!!! 🙂



6 responses to “I WILL NEVER GIVE UP”

    20 09 2013
      ashnika (12:13:46) :     Reply

    Me neither especially for running, dancing, and singing. ♥

    10 01 2014
      amir (11:51:24) :     Reply

    ME never give up on basketball

    16 01 2014
      dylan (11:15:23) :     Reply

    Do you play fifa

    16 01 2014
      larissa (11:21:37) :     Reply

    Yea, but I’m not good. I’m only good in real life.

    7 03 2014
      Helen (09:09:13) :     Reply

    Larissa, it is me, Helen, one of the blogs you commented on. I just came to say “Hello.” I can tell that you love soccer. Are there any other sports that you like as well? You can come over to my blog any time at blogs.egusd.net/u3helen I will enjoy your comments!

      7 03 2014
        larissa (11:01:49) :     Reply

      Yea, I kinda like basket ball, but I’m not that good I’m ok.

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