13 06 2014

AHHHH we are leaving sixth grade. I’m sooo sad. For my promotion I really wanted to wear a jersey with tights, but my mom wouldn’t let me. I really am sad because it’s the last day and I will probably not see one of my best friends or my wonderful, lovely, pretty, and awesome teacher Ms. Gaviola. I’m going to miss Union House because of all my memories that I have here. I’m really going to miss all my friends and my fifth grade friends too. I will miss them because they were the only people who play soccer at my school in ACT 2. I’M REALLY GOING TO MISS AL MY FRIENDS!!!!!!


8 05 2014

My first school soccer game of the season was postponed. I was soo mad. Our first game, we were going to verse a different school called Charles Mack. We were having a home game at our school. Every year we would lose to Charles Mack, but this year we have a chance because Charles Mack lost some players. We lost some players too, but we still have good players.I still hope we would win our first game next Thursday I was really looking forward to our first game. 🙁

Smarter Balance Test

1 05 2014

The Smarter Balance test was really really hard. The Smarter Balance test was harder than the regular CST test. The smarter Balance test made us type during the test to explain our answer. The Smarter Balance test wasn’t just A B C D questions anymore it was typing, making us find text evidence, and other stuff. I really hated it. After I took the test, my head hurt a little. That’s how bad the test was.I am not exagerating.

San Francisco Review

3 03 2014

I would recommend and not recommend going there. I would recommend going to the San Francisco musuem because it was fun. It was fun because the person that gave us a tour told us really cool stories. The other fun part about the field trip was when we did the yoga. The yoga part was really funny because some people were failing really bad. The reason I didn’t like it was because we didn’t really get to see everything. The other reason was because it took wwaayy to long to go there. If you don’t take anything to entertain you, you would be really bored. I recommend to bring an electronic that has a lot of battery and something you can listen to music with because the music the bus driver plays is kind of old.

Field Trip Expectations

3 03 2014

I expect the field trip to be about  ancient China and ancient India. I also think that the field trip is going to be dangerous  because we are going to do yoga and when we are doing  yoga, out of nowhere we do the splits and break our legs. To be honest I think the funnest part is going there  and also the yoga part because on the bus I’m going to be playing Flappy Bird and playing some soccer games. I think the yoga part is going to be fun because I would be able to see people failing at what we are  doing. On the field trip I expect it to be about old pictures and some other artifacts. I also think the field trip is going to be about why the Idians fast

Messi and Ronaldinho!!!

12 02 2014

Messi and Ronaldinho are my favorite soccer players. They are my favorite players because they are really good at soccer. They used to play on the same team, but not any more. Messi is left footed,  but Ronaldinho is right footed. Messi is young and he’s a really really good soccer player. He’s a great finisher and he plays as a forward. Ronaldinho was also really good, but he retired.Ronaldinho played as a midfielder and as a forward.Ronaldinho took free kicks alot and most of the time scored them. Ronaldinho was a GREAT shooter. Messi plays with Barcelona and Ronaldinho use to play with AC Milan. 

Seven Random Things About ME!!!

16 01 2014


Today I’m going to be telling you seven random things about me.

1: My favorite sport is SOCCER.

2: My favorite soccer team is Barcelona and America.

3: My favorite number is #3.

4: My favorite soccer players are Lionel Messi and Ronaldinho.

5: My favorite color is red.

6: My favorite game to play  is FIFA 14.

7: My favorite song is Hall of Fame by The Script.



20 09 2013

Some people think that I’m not good at soccer, and they think that will stop me. They are wrong.It’s just going to make me work harder than before. People think that I will not even have a chance of being a soccer player. I WILL prove them wrong. I will NEVER EVER EVER EVER GIVE UP!!!!!! 🙂


17 09 2013

It has both of my favorite things.

 CANDY!!!!!!!  SOCCER!!!!!!!! 

The SUPER Power I Wish to Have Is……

17 09 2013

    The super power I wish to have is super speed. The reason I would want this power is because it would help me be faster in soccer. So all I would have to do is run with the ball and shoot. Plus, their faces would look surprised and in their mind they would be like ” What ”. If someone wants to chase me I would be too fast for them. Also because if I get hurt somehow, I would heal really fast. That is the reason I would want to be fast. 


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