San Francisco Review

3 03 2014

I would recommend and not recommend going there. I would recommend going to the San Francisco musuem because it was fun. It was fun because the person that gave us a tour told us really cool stories. The other fun part about the field trip was when we did the yoga. The yoga part was really funny because some people were failing really bad. The reason I didn’t like it was because we didn’t really get to see everything. The other reason was because it took wwaayy to long to go there. If you don’t take anything to entertain you, you would be really bored. I recommend to bring an electronic that has a lot of battery and something you can listen to music with because the music the bus driver plays is kind of old.

Field Trip Expectations

3 03 2014

I expect the field trip to be about  ancient China and ancient India. I also think that the field trip is going to be dangerous  because we are going to do yoga and when we are doing  yoga, out of nowhere we do the splits and break our legs. To be honest I think the funnest part is going there  and also the yoga part because on the bus I’m going to be playing Flappy Bird and playing some soccer games. I think the yoga part is going to be fun because I would be able to see people failing at what we are  doing. On the field trip I expect it to be about old pictures and some other artifacts. I also think the field trip is going to be about why the Idians fast

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