20 09 2013

Some people think that I’m not good at soccer, and they think that will stop me. They are wrong.It’s just going to make me work harder than before. People think that I will not even have a chance of being a soccer player. I WILL prove them wrong. I will NEVER EVER EVER EVER GIVE UP!!!!!! 🙂


17 09 2013

It has both of my favorite things.

 CANDY!!!!!!!  SOCCER!!!!!!!! 

The SUPER Power I Wish to Have Is……

17 09 2013

    The super power I wish to have is super speed. The reason I would want this power is because it would help me be faster in soccer. So all I would have to do is run with the ball and shoot. Plus, their faces would look surprised and in their mind they would be like ” What ”. If someone wants to chase me I would be too fast for them. Also because if I get hurt somehow, I would heal really fast. That is the reason I would want to be fast. 



13 09 2013

                                                                         When i grow up I really want to be a famous soccer player. I would want to be known as the best girl soccer player in the world. That’s pretty much the only reason I live for. You dont’t have to be popular to be something. All you need is a goal that you want to achieve. There are always people who doubt you, but that is good because that should make you want to work harder to achieve that goal. I know that some people don’t like me because there are always people that dont like you like I said. They actually think that would take me down. Let me just say something. Nothing would ever stop me in becoming a famous soccer player. NOTHING IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD


12 09 2013


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