Today at the Mobile Dairy Classroom, we learned about cows and how we get our milk. There was this lady that showed us a cow named Snickers. It was 3 years old. She told us that a cow has only one huge stomach that has four chambers inside. The cow eats the hay, then it goes into the first chamber of the stomach, then the second. After the second it comes back into its mouth, and the cow chews it for the second time. Then it goes back into the stomach and the food goes through all the chambers and gets digested the way our food does to get energy. After that the cow produces milk. The lady then told us how to milk the cow by hand and what machine they use to milk it instead by hand.Then she said that the milk is taken to a place where the milk is pasteurized and homogenized so the milk can be safe for people to drink. After that the milk is taken to stores and schools. After the lady finished, she answered questions and after that, she let us pet a calf named Daisy! It was so furry! I learned a lot at the Mobile Dairy Classroom.
Facts About Cows:
-The male is called a bull, a female is a cow, and the baby is called a calf.
– Only the female can produce milk.
– A cow is an adult when its only 1 year old.
– Black and white cows are called holstein cows.