6th Grade

Sixth Grade is the funnest year of my life and I wont to stay and stay here forever. I’m going to miss my blog and talking about MINECRAFT. I love my teacher she is the best of all I just wanted to say i’m thankful for  you teaching me and the way you teach is awesome you make me understand what the problem is and I understand whatever you say. So this blog post is about you and how I appreciate you teaching me so i want to thank you so much. 

MInecraft vs world of War Craft




I think minecraft would win because its popular when I say popular i mean like a million players they have mini games servers and you could play with other people.You have different options and alot of choices you have so many mini games even cops and robbers.Theres something else if you have super smash bros they have it in minecraft but you are the monsers in the game its caled super smash mobs wow awsome.



People really like this game its popular too i really like this game but now a days i don’t i like MINECRAFT! but still wich one would you chose leave it in the comments below and enjoy this.You have powers and your a wizard you have different classes and talk with people online to so its your choice leave a commet in the below thanks.

7 Things About Me

  1.  I like minecraft im kind of addicted to it and its so fun you should try it.
  2. My favorite subject in school is math.
  3. I love ice cream well… every body does .
  4. My second favorite thing about games is my 2ds its so awsome yay.
  5. I like playing basket ball and other sports.
  6. If I didnt tell you im in sixth grade and almost done.
  7. Last I love having a blog so i could talk about stuff.


Thailand Christmas

Christmas in Thailand


They don’t really celebrate Christmas in Thailand but they do other stuff. Some people go to give food to the monk you might say why would they do that they do that because you get good luck and nothing bad happens to you. Although not all people do that some people celebrate it like regular some people give gifts like games toys and machines. There are some people who do nothing they act like it’s a normal day and do normal stuff guess what there is still work on Christmas so there’s no breaks. Last one people pray and thank there god for the wonderful life there have and protect their family or kids to be healthy and safe.