



Snickers is a cow that we saw at the mobile dairy classroom, did you know that cows have an extra chamber in their stomach because they eat dried grass like hay.She’s a female because female’s make milk they only make milk when they give birth.Accept they only have a baby each 3 months so sometimes they have to wait but they have a a lot of cows.






+School is getting hard and fun im stuck on doing homework some times because like it gets hard and I get distracted. I want to improve in math and spelling my goal is to try to get a four point o or three point o. I did not reach my goal i was trying to get b’s and a’s but not anything thing else. I want  improve in my behavor I want to concentrate im improving a little but im stuck in the same place. In the future I want to get good grades pay attention and focus well thats how I am in school leave a commet  if you really like it or if you have any questions.

My Favorite Vegetable




Cucumbers are my favorite vegetable. I love it because it is so juicy and hard to find. It grows in china or bankok. These are the nutrution facts about cucmber, it has alot of nutrients of vitamins c , and k. Cucumbers are related to watermelons because of there color and thin skin. We expect to see human studies that confirm the anti-cancer benefits of cucumbers in the everyday diet. Slicing cucumbers are usually larger and have thicker skins, while pickling cucumbers are usually smaller and have thinner skins. Cucumbers are a valuable source of vitamins.






I want to go to Thailand because it will be fun and meeting my dads, brother, sisterit will be fun. I heard that they have way more toys and all kinds of candy I guess because its a part of china and they build alot of toys thats why i want to be in Thailand