
This year is going to be special year this year I going have one goal. It is to get good grade to impress everyone in my class. I try to fit in my class instead everyone tell to bequiet. Most want to impress my Mom and Dad if I show them my awesome grade like all A+ they give me some money like 10 dollar or more I don’t know.That lot money I become rich than everybody.back to point have great eduction go collge become basketball player.


 Strawberrys gives you vitamin C when you eat . they are very good source of dietary fiber. When eat eight strawberrys give more vitamin C than orange.The first grow was 18 centruy in france. The bug or pest that attack the strawberry are slug,moths,fruit flies,charfes,strawberry root weeviles …

Travel Any Place

If I can travel to any place it would be los Anglese .They have hollywood and my favorite team the Lakers I go there meet all the good ator and Lakers. Also most populous in America. Play in disney land see what it look like. Walk on the hollywood wall of fame.