
The weird walk

One beautiful sunny morning I went on a wonderful walk with my BFF Megan. As we were  walking saw something CRAZY!!! We saw something flying very very close to us, so we went to check it out, and you would not believe what we saw… WE SAW A CRAZY  GUY THROWING  $100 BILLS!!! I think he was riding a gold car! At the time we got home my mom got us some pizza, so we had to eat some of couse! So Megan and I ate some pizza! The End of the weird day!


Hello There, and Welcome Everyone!

Hi there, welcome to my blog, visitor! Today I will tell you a little bit about myself let’s start!  My name is Erica. I like telling people joke for example what starts with a p but ends with an e that has a thousand letters in it? Ok ok i’ll tell you it’s the post office. Haha you get it postoffice. I like the color pink, blue, and purple hey its unicorn colors.  If I could pick a spirit animal I would pick a UNICORN I Love unicorns. I  like go on trips with my family and my cousin. I also like eating food like ice cream, sweets, and junk food. I love playing with my sister and playing with my toys with my little sister. I don’t like when someone doesn’t knock and just comes in my room and start to mess around it’s just really annoying. Also i don’t like bug, dark colors, and my sister just kidding i love my sister but still she can be very annoying back to what I was talking about i don’t like the boring news it’s to boring for me. Thank for stopping by my blog and reading all about me!

This entry was posted on January 8, 2018. 2 Comments