Hello There, and Welcome Everyone!

Hi there, welcome to my blog, visitor! Today I will tell you a little bit about myself let’s start!  My name is Erica. I like telling people joke for example what starts with a p but ends with an e that has a thousand letters in it? Ok ok i’ll tell you it’s the post office. Haha you get it postoffice. I like the color pink, blue, and purple hey its unicorn colors.  If I could pick a spirit animal I would pick a UNICORN I Love unicorns. I  like go on trips with my family and my cousin. I also like eating food like ice cream, sweets, and junk food. I love playing with my sister and playing with my toys with my little sister. I don’t like when someone doesn’t knock and just comes in my room and start to mess around it’s just really annoying. Also i don’t like bug, dark colors, and my sister just kidding i love my sister but still she can be very annoying back to what I was talking about i don’t like the boring news it’s to boring for me. Thank for stopping by my blog and reading all about me!

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