Week 1

WEEK ONE: Click Here

About Me
Activity 1: Write or update your About Me page.
Activity 2: Update your tagline (site identity) and header and background images.
Activity 3: Create an avatar. Avatar Maker   Portrait Illustrator   Charat Me
Activity 4: Write a post about your avatar. Tell us how your avatar represents you. Include a link to the website where you created the avatar. Remember to include your avatar as an image in your post.  Tip: If you’re writing a post about your avatar, choose an interesting title not just ‘avatar’ as this could cause an error on your blog.  Click here or here for an example.
Activity 5: Create a series of avatars. (May be combined with activity three)
Activity 6: Visit other blogs and comment on at least 2 to 3. Click here for a list of participants (scroll down to the bottom of the page). 
Activity 7: Fill out the form to have someone visit your blog and comment on a specific post or page.  Click here


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