Jacques Bleu’s Guide to Good Grammar

jacques hat

Trust me, using correct grammar and spelling matter for the following reasons:

  1. Using correct grammar shows respect for the person you are addressing.
  2. It also shows the level of respect you expect (and are likely to receive) in return.
  3. Learning proper grammar helps you think logically and clearly.
  4. Those who follow grammar rules speak, read, and write in a more smooth and skillful
  5. Poor grammar shows a kind of sloppiness. Who would want to hire someone who doesn’t pay attention to detail?
  6. We’re in a digital age, people! We project ourselves through our written words.
  7. When you speak/write, you project your level of intelligence and thoughtfulness.
  8. You also demonstrate how organized you are in your thoughts.

Faithfully yours,
Jacques Bleu


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