St. Patrick’s Day

We had a wonderful St. Patrick’s Day together, but no one caught the Leprechaun!  That sneaky Leprechaun came into our classroom, messed up our traps, and moved things around!  The Leprechaun even got into the paint leaving green footprints everywhere! Can you believe it?  Ask your child what their favorite thing was that the Leprechaun did.

We also had our “Tasting of the Greens” party.  Many students tried new foods and liked them.  Ask them what their favorite green food was.



USA Day Songs

On Monday, April 4th, we will be having a short performance celebrating “Our Country”.  Please join us in K2 if you can – we will begin at 8:30 (This is a minimum day!).  Students can wear red, white and blue for our performance.  Please practice these songs and poems with your child over the next few weeks.  A hard copy will be sent home in the Wednesday Folders.  Thank you!

I Know a Lot About My Country (Poem)

*Mrs. Arriaga’s class:
I know a lot about my country-
Please forgive me if I brag,
But I know that it has 50 states
And a very special flag. 

*Mrs. Young’s class:
I know that it has cities
And towns and farmland, too.
It is home to many people-
It is home to me and you. 

*Both classes:
I know a lot about my country
And I want to say out loud,
“My country is the U.S.A.!”
This fact makes me quite proud!

The Pledge of Allegiance

 I stand up to salute the flag
Before I start each day.
I place my right hand on my heart
And this is what I say

I pledge allegiance to the flag
Of the United States of America
And to the Republic For which it stands,
One Nation under God, Indivisible, with liberty
And justice for all.

Our Flag (Poem)
by Steve Johnson and Lou Fancher

I love to see the starry flag
That floats above my head.
I love to see its waving folds
With stripes of white and red.
“Be brave,” say the red stripes,
“Be pure,” say the white.
“Be true,” say the bright stars,
“And stand for the right.”

You’re a Grand Old Flag

 You’re a grand old flag, You’re a high flying flag
And forever in peace may you wave.
You’re the emblem of The land I love.
The home of the free and the brave.
Ev’ry heart beats true
‘neath the Red, White and Blue,
Where there’s never a boast or brag.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
Keep your eye on the grand old flag.

The Star-Spangled Banner

 O say, can you see, by the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight,
O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

 George Washington

 George Washington was the first President of our country.
The people loved him one and all. He worked to make our land free.
He led the soldiers that was hard, for they were cold and hungry.
He said “Be brave, now don’t give up”. We’ll build a brand new country.

Old Abe Lincoln

 Old Abe Lincoln came out of the wilderness, out of the wilderness, out of the wilderness.
Old Abe Lincoln came out of the wilderness, down in Illinois.
Old Abe Lincoln was our 16th president, 16th president, 16th president.
Old Abe Lincoln was our 16th president, many long days ago.
Old Abe Lincoln freed our nation from slavery, nation from slavery, nation from slavery.
Old Abe Lincoln freed our nation from slavery, many long years ago.

The Preamble

We the People of the United States,
in order to form a more perfect union,
establish justice, insure domestic tranquility,
provide for the common defense,
promote the general welfare,
and secure the blessings of liberty 
to ourselves and our posterity,
do ordain and establish this Constitution
for the United States of America

America the Beautiful

O Beautiful
For spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountains majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee,
And crown thy good
With brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

PFO Needs You!

Our school  and students shine brightly because of the work of our PFO Executive Board.  Because of the support of families like yours who are on the board and are members of the PFO, Sunrise PFO helps provide classroom supplies, art supplies, field trips, library books, assemblies, and family nights.  The PFO now needs YOU!  There is a position on the board for marketing that needs to be filled ASAP. Families from my class every year step up to be leaders, and I know that parents in our class this year are ready to fill this position.  YOU will do a superb job getting the word out about all of the great events that happen here at Sunrise!  Please email me when you’re ready to be a leader!

Bingo Night is scheduled for March 27 @ 6:30 – 8:30. Admission is free but will be on a first-come basis. Bring the whole family!

Thank you and have a great day!



What’s Happening in March

We hope you all had a great week off with your families!  Here is a look at what’s coming up this month…

We will be starting our unit in Language Arts called “Red, White, and Blue”. The stories and poems in this unit help the students understand  what it means to be a proud and loyal American.  While we explore the rights and responsibilities that come with living in the United States, students will also build understanding of the great diversity of people who make up this country.

We will be needing some items for different activities during March.  We will be sending out a sign up list from Sign Up Genius.  Please look for that and see if you can help out with any of the items or volunteer to come in and help with centers or read with us.

Here are some dates for upcoming events…

March 6 – Read Across America Day – Come dressed as your favorite book character (bring your book with you), bring your favorite stuffed animal, or wear your Sunrise spirit wear.

March 6-24 – Kick It Games PFO Fundraiser (more info coming soon)

March 13 – Art Docent (Theme – Artist paint the Old West)

March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day and Tasting of the Greens

March 27 – PFO Bingo Night and Book Fair

April 3 – Minimum Day and “USA Day” (with special performance in the Library)

April 7 – Harris Center Field Trip


One More Day…



The time has come, our break is now over, and we will all meet again tomorrow to start off our last trimester in kindergarten (Can you believe it?  We’re almost first graders!)

We have a great day planned for our one and only day this week.  Our friends on A,B,&C tracks have been celebrating Dr. Seuss and Read Across America all week.  Tomorrow, we will be celebrating with our own Read Across America Day.  Dress up as your favorite book character and don’t forget to BRING THE BOOK!  If you’d rather not dress up, you can bring a stuffed animal to read with (we will be reading a lot!) and your favorite book!  There are so many fun activities planned to celebrate reading, you won’t want to miss it!

We are so excited to see you all again!


Music Time Today :)

Jackson Nelson’s mom, Ms. Tera, came back to visit our class to continue to help the kids discover music through play! Here some of the fun things they did:

  • They reviewed some of the solfeggio words and hand signs for Mi-Re-Do and Sol-Sol-Do. They also learned a new one! Sol-La-Ti-Do. This cadence pattern was hidden in some of the songs she sang with them – Let’s Play Music, Johnny Get Your Haircut, V-A-L-E-N-T-I-N-E, and Rig-a-Jig, Jig. They even learned what the musical notation looks like for these patterns on the staff.
  • More fun with solfeggio by singing Clickety-Clack, our fun train song where our actions turned into solfeggio hand signs!
  • They learned that BUGS have their own rhythms that are fun to clap. Ask them to clap their bugs: Bug, Bug, But-ter-fly, But-ter-fly, Grass-hop-per, Grass-hop-per, Cat-er-pil-lar, Cat-er-pil-lar, Bee-tle, Bee-tle, SLUU-G!
  • They learned a new song that used one of the 3 Primary Chords -the Red Chord (Do-Mi-Sol). Ask them to tell you about Old Paint.
  • They did some classical music listening too through a puppet show! Ms. Tera gave each one of your children their own page of puppets to color and perform for you. Here’s a link to the music –

Music is a lot fun, especially when you can learn all these great musical concepts through play!