Thank you for assisting us in making school a positive experience for your child. By working as “Partners in Education”, we can provide your child with the encouragement and assistance needed to produce a postitive learning environment.
A Kindergarten Homework Packet will be sent home every Monday for your child to complete and return on Friday. Homework in the packet will correspond to the themes and activities presented in class. The homework requires adult supervision and guidance to complete. You can help your child by providing some quiet workspace, without distractions, to work. The Elk Grove Unified School District has set a homework requirement for kindergarten of 20 minutes per night. This includes 10 minutes of reading aloud to your child. The other 10 minutes will be spent completing the activity listed for that night. Some of these activities will require some supplies such as a pencil, crayons, children’s scissors, and glue or glue stick. Please put all these supplies in a container that will be kept in a safe place, so that your child will have them whenever he/she needs them for a homework assignment. If getting supplies for your child is a problem, please let us know. As your child works, check to see that he/she is holding the pencil correctly. Also, we will be sending home practice sheets for the students to practice their name writing and number/letter writing throughout the year. When helping your child form letters and numbers, please refer to the sample letter sheet that is enclosed in the parent handbook. This way, we will all be reinforcing the same procedures to the children. Compliment him/her frequently with specific praise. BE POSITIVE!
Reading to your child every day is an extremely important part of his/her education. Children who are read to daily, expand their vocabularies, increase their knowledge and use of the language, develop their understanding of literature, and enjoy books. Please record the books you read to your child on the cover sheet of each week’s homework, and return it with the packet in your child’s folder.
Thank you for your help in making your child’s kindergarten year a success!