Workshops for 3/23-4/3

Here are our new workshop activities. We will begin them on Tuesday, March 24. Remember this is a great way to ask your child what they are learning in their workshop group!

Workshop # 1 Math-Geoboards/Shapes
Workshop # 2 Puzzle-Tag Readers/Maps
Workshop # 3 Art-Free Painting
Workshop # 4 Manipulatives-Foam Building Blocks
Workshop # 5 Language Arts-ABC order on pipe cleaners (fine motor skills)
Workshop # 6 Science- Magnets
Workshop # 7 Listening Center-USA Day Songs
Workshop # 8 Art Project-Pokey Art (Heart Flag)

A Look at the Next Two Weeks

Here’s what’s happening in the next few weeks.  Please be sure to read our blogs as there will be many reminders as to what is happening each week so we can all keep up!

Tuesday, March 24th-Kick It Games
Please have your child dress appropriately for being on the field for the games.  Mrs. Arriaga’s class will hold their relay games at 8:30.  So any volunteers can come to school with their child and help straight away.  Mrs. Young’s class will hold their relay games at 2:00.  Please be here by 1:45 and you can stay to the end of the day!

Friday, March 27th-Paperbackbook Exchange
If you are participating, bring in any “gently used” paperback books with the Paperback Book Exchange Flyer (filled out by you) on Thursday, March 26th.  Kindergarteners will be picking their new to them books on Thursday, March 27th .   Extra flyers are in the school office.  For example:  if your child brings in 7 books to exchange, they can pick 7 books to take home.

Friday, April 3rd-Minimum Day and USA Day
All Kindergarteners will be here from 8:20-11:51 am.  We will be celebrating our country with USA Day.  We have a performance to share with you in the library from 8:30-9:00.  Your child may come dressed in Red, White & Blue (optional).  A few students will have speaking parts, please work with them if they bring a speaking part home.  Songs and Poems that we’ll be singing were sent home last week in the Wednesday folders or you can find them on our blog.  We hope to see you there!

Tuesday, April 7th-Field Trip to the Harris Center
Our field trip is coming soon!  If you have not returned your permission slip/money, please do so by Friday, March 27th.

President of the Day

We have started our new  Language Arts “Red, White, and Blue” unit.  As we learn about our country we will be voting for a President of the day in each class.  We will be exercising our right to vote (practice for when our kindergartners are 18).    The students nominate three students each day, vote the next day, and the one student with the most votes becomes our President.  Each victor will have special presidential duties.  Please help us explain to your child that everyone will have a chance to be president, but much like the Star of the Week some students will be first and others will be last.

PFO Needs You!

Our school  and students shine brightly because of the work of our PFO Executive Board.  Because of the support of families like yours who are on the board and are members of the PFO, Sunrise PFO helps provide classroom supplies, art supplies, field trips, library books, assemblies, and family nights.  The PFO now needs YOU!  There is a position on the board for marketing that needs to be filled ASAP. Families from my class every year step up to be leaders, and I know that parents in our class this year are ready to fill this position.  YOU will do a superb job getting the word out about all of the great events that happen here at Sunrise!  Please email me when you’re ready to be a leader!

Bingo Night is scheduled for March 27 @ 6:30 – 8:30. Admission is free but will be on a first-come basis. Bring the whole family!

Thank you and have a great day!



Workshop for January 5-16, 2015!

Here are our workshop activities that we will be working on for the next two weeks. Don’t forget to ask your child what they have done each day.

Workshop # 1 Math – Winter Measurements
Workshop # 2 Puzzles – Number/Alphabet Puzzles
Workshop # 3 Free Art – Penguin cut and paste
Workshop # 4 Manipulatives – Happy Feet Mumble’s Tumble Game (balancing)
Workshop # 6 Science – Season Sorting
Workshop # 7 Listening Center –Snow! Snow! Snow! by Lee Harper and Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do you Hear?  by Bill Martin, Jr. and Eric Carle
Workshop # 8 Art Project – Painting Penguins