This Week…

Here we are, the last week before tracking off!  Please see the important dates listed and make note of them on your calendars (especially our track on day!  It is a Friday when we return.).

Today – We played the game “Spot It” (numbers and shapes version) by Blue Orange in our centers today.  It is a great game for visual discrimination – fun for the whole family!

Tuesday, Jan. 27 –  Sunrise Skate Night sponsored by Kindergarten.  Please join us if you are available for a fun skate night just for Sunrise!  6:00-8:00 p.m. at “The Rink” (2900 Bradshaw Road)

Wednesday, Jan. 28 – Report Cards will be going home in your child’s Wednesday folder with a copy of their writing sample and a list of skills we will be working on in our third trimester.

Friday, Jan. 30 – Our last day before tracking off – Minimum Day – All kindergartners come on the a.m. schedule (8:20-11:50).   Please join us for some songs and awards in the morning from 8:30-9:00.  We will meet in the Library this month.  This is also our school spirit day: Moustache and Crazy Glasses Day.  We will end our day with Ms. Tera and her music.

Monday, Feb. 2 – Thursday, Mar. 5 – Off Track for D Track.

***Friday, March 6*** – Track on, our first day back in class.  Yes, it is a Friday.  We will be celebrating Read Across America in our classroom and with our buddies.  Students are encouraged to dress as their favorite character and bring in a book with that character to share.  There will be information coming out in our Wednesday Folders as well as reminders a few weeks before returning.

100th Day

We will celebrate our 100th day of school on Wednesday, January 14th.  This is a day of festivities that center on the number 100!  Please send 100 of a small item such as paper clips, beans, macaroni, pennies, shells, buttons, cotton balls, etc. to school in the bag in today’s Wednesday folder.  Take some time with your child to think about what would be reasonable items to count and carry.  Rice is too small and rocks may be too heavy.  Be sure to count exactly 100 with your child.  These items will be counted, weighed and measured before and during our 100th day celebration.  They will be returned after the celebration.

Items are due on Tuesday, Jan. 13th.

 Please don’t send them until that date

Happy counting!   Mrs. Arriaga and Mrs. Young

The Art Ark is here!

The Crocker Museum’s Art Ark, a mobile art education center designed for students in Pre-K through 8th grades, brings original works of art and activities to schools throughout the region. On the road with different exhibitions since 1980, the Art Ark is distinguished in the nation as one of the first mobile art museums, and one of the few including hands-on learning.

This is the final touring year of Form & Function: African and Asmat Art, a dynamic experience of sculpture, musical instruments, textiles, masks, and other objects from diverse African communities and the Asmat people of New Guinea. Form & Function enables students to explore the history, geography, culture, and creativity of African and Oceanic peoples through exposure to original artwork and active learning.

Each class will have an opportunity to go to the Art Ark (our day is this coming Thursday), learn about African and Asmat Art, and create a piece of art.  Students will also get a pass to go visit the Crocker Art Museum with their families.  So be on the look out!

Field Trip Information

Here are a few things before we track off on Friday…

Report cards came home in the Wednesday Folders today.  Also included with the report cards will be our Kindergarten common core standards and the Second Trimester Skills to practice.  There are many other pieces of information today as well.  Please take the time to check their folders.

Friday is a minimum day for Track Change Day.  All Kindergarteners come to school early from 8:20-11:51 a.m.  We will be going on our field trip to Fog Willow so be sure to get everyone here on time.   Students will need to wear clothes (long pants) and walking shoes that can get dusty and possibly muddy.  Any jackets/sweaters that are taken off will be tied around their body, so be sure it’s not too bulky.  Those of you who are going with us need to meet us in the classroom for instructions and those not taking the bus are encouraged to carpool (there is limited parking at the farm).   We will provide a small snack on the field trip but please send a snack as usual for when we get back to school.  We will dismiss at our normal time (11:51).  Please make special arrangements for picking up your kindergartener, they may not stay at school and wait for siblings to dismiss at 12:30.

Friday afternoon, from 4-7 pm, is our Unity Carnival.  Thank you to those who sent in cool “Lego” items for our “Lego” basket and for those who have volunteered before and during the carnival to make it a huge success. We hope to see you there!