Workshop for September 2-12, 2014

Here are our new workshop activities for the next two weeks.  Don’t forget to ask your child  which one they have done!

Workshop # 1 Math-Apple Counting Graph
Workshop # 2 Puzzles-Hippo ABC’s/Dinosaur 1,2,3’s
Workshop # 3 Free Art-Watercolors
Workshop # 4 Manipulatives-Candyland
Workshop # 5 Language Arts-Sight Word Dice Game/Graph
Workshop # 6 Science-Apple Investigation
Workshop # 7 Listening Center-Apple Countdown by Joan Holub and Never, EVER Shout in a Zoo by Karma Wilson
Workshop # 8 Art Project-Apple Sections Cut and Paste

September at a Glance

Here is a quick look at our busy month in K3:

Book orders will be placed on Friday (9/5) for both classes.  Please either order online or return a paper order to class by Friday morning.

September 12 – Minimum Day –  Mrs. Young’s class will join Mrs. Arriaga’s class in the morning from 8:20-11:51 a.m.  Grades 1-6 will dismiss at 12:30 p.m.

Friday, Sept. 19,  is our “Apple Day”.   Please look for a SignUp Genius invitation to donate for this special day.   On the donations list, please note the date items will need to be in the classroom.  

September 24 – Walk to School Wednesdays begin (see info in Wednesdays folder)

September 24 – PFO (Parent Faculty Organization) General Meeting at 3:00 in the school library.  See flyer coming later in the month.  Please come and learn how to help our students and school become even better!

September 25 – There will be no library today.

September 26 – Make Up Picture Day

Important Dates:

October 3 – Track off day – Minimum Day – Mrs. Young’s class will join Mrs. Arriaga’s class in the morning from 8:20-11:51 a.m.  Grades 1-6 will dismiss at 12:30 p.m.

October 3 – Our first field trip to Fog Willow Farms – You will be receiving information next week in our Wednesday Folders.

October 3 – Sunrise Unity Carnival

October 27 – D Track returns (to K3)

October 31 – Scarecrow Day

And that’s not all…but it’s a start.  Happy Fall!!!

What An Exciting Day!

We had such an exciting day today!  We had a Safety Assembly.  We were visited by two CHP (California Highway Patrol) Officers and they talked to us about Stranger Danger.  We spoke about Good Strangers like Guest Teachers, Police Officers, Fire Fighters.  People who can help you.  We also talked about Bad Strangers.  These are people who try to trick you by asking you to go with them so you can get candy or toys,  if you will go with them to help find their lost puppy, or ask you to help them find McDonalds.  The students learned that we never get into a car with people we don’t know and to keep yelling loudly if someone tries to put them in a car with a person they do not know.  In their backpacks you will find a coloring book “Chipper and his Pals talk about SAFETY”.  I asked each student to read through the book with their family and talk about it before coloring.  Please ask your child what they learned today from the assembly.  We were very grateful to have the CHP Officers come and share with us.

Minimum Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow is our first track change day for the year.  It is a minimum day for all students.  What does that mean for our classes?  Mrs. Arriaga’s class will not be any different than our regular days.  Mrs. Young’s afternoon class will come early with the morning class from 8:20-11:51.   If you are in Mrs. Young’s class, please make sure to arrange for student pick up at 11:51.  Students will not be permitted to stay at school till 1st-6th grade siblings are dismissed at 12:30.

ALL Kinder Early 8:20-11:51


Today your child is bringing home their first of many books from our language arts program. Please find a special place to keep them and include this in the nightly reading homework. Have your child read the books over and over again for fluency. Here are some things to remember when reading these books: have your child point to each word as they read it; ask your child to find a specific sight word; ask them who, what, when, where, why questions for comprehension; use the sight words in the stories to say or write complete sentences. Create a positive experience so that your child will look forward to your reading time together.

Each night, your child will need to read for 10 min. and then record the title on the homework cover sheet. These books we send home can be used for their reading time or you may read others.

Please have your child write their name on each page of their homework themselves. Make sure they are writing with one capital and the rest lower case letters (as shown on the back cover of their folder).

Feel free to ask if you have any questions about our homework. Thanks!!

First Homework

Yesterday your child brought home their first homework assignment. It is a special edition because they will be completing their Star Student poster. Daily reading should also take place for at least 10 minutes. Below you can view a picture of Mrs. Arriaga and Mrs. Young’s posters to get you started. Have fun!! These are due back in the folders on Friday.