Happy New Year!

Happy New Year

We hope you all had a lovely holiday with your family.  The students were so excited to be back with one another and we missed them too!

Here are a few things going on this month: The new Open Court theme is “Stick To It”.  We will be reading stories that will help our students understand that there are times where the only way to accomplish a task or solve a problem is to persevere.  To “Stick To It” and not give up.   Riding a bike or learning how to write their name are good examples of this.  We’ll be sending a special project to work on in Wednesday’s Folder and will post it here as well. Please return the form on Friday with their homework.

Our hundredth day of school is Wednesday, January 14th.  Our celebration will include counting, weighing, and comparing and contrasting 100 objects.  We will be needing volunteers to help us out and to bring goodies on this special day.  Please check our Sign Up Genius page to volunteer either in the classroom or to send something in.  Information will be sent home in Wednesday Folders about student collections and when they will need to be sent in.

Monday, January 19th, is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  There will be no school.

Tuesday, January 27th – Sunrise Skate Night hosted by Kindergarten 6-8 pm at “The Rink”

Wednesday, January 28th, report cards will be sent home in Wednesday Folders.

Friday, January 30th, is Track Change Day (minimum day) for us.  All kindergartners come on the a.m. schedule (8:20-11:50).   Please join us for some songs and awards in the morning from 8:30-9:00.  More information will be given as the day draws nearer.

February 2nd – March 5th – D Track is off.  We return on Friday, March 6th (yes, that is correct).

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