Unity Carnival Planning Meeting

The last Unity Carnival planning meeting is tomorrow, September 25, in the school library from 7:00-8:00 p.m.  It’s not too late to come and see how you can help be a part of this fantastic fundraiser for our school.  If you are not able to attend but still want to help please go to www.sunrisepfo.org and volunteer through their new website.  It’s a good way to meet great people that make great things happen for our students here at Sunrise Elementary.
Remember if you want to pre-order carnival tickets the money and envelopes are due Friday, September 26.  This is a great way to not stand in a long line waiting to buy carnival tickets.  This is a big event!  Please come and bring lots of friends and family.  Our Sunrise PFO does a great job and it’s good, clean family fun!

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