Lego Carnival Basket!

We just received our first Lego Carnival Basket item!  Remember classes create themed baskets to be raffled off at the Unity Carnival, October 3rd (the day D track tracks off).  We are off to a good start but we need your help.  We have 2 parents that have offered to help organize the donations, please read the note below…

Hi Families of Mrs. Arriaga’s and Mrs. Young’s classes,

We thought we would help out our teachers by keeping track of donated items for the Lego Basket and then assembling the basket once items are donated.

We will check for donations daily and will send out an updated list on items already purchased to help cut down on duplicates.

Donation Ideas:

Lego Sets

Lego Coloring/sticker/reading books

Gift cards to Lego store

Lego Storage container

Lego T-shirt

Lego Board Games

Lego Watches

Lego Back pack

Lego Cups

And the Lego list goes on……..

If you would like to give a monetary donation instead of a Lego item, we can do the purchasing for you.

Let’s make this basket the most desirable one there!!

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