Pre-Challenge Activities
Activity 1: Watch the video “What Is a Blog?” and complete crossword puzzle. When finished, turn into the inbox.
Activity 2: Update your tagline (site identity) and header and background images.
Activity 3: Create an avatar. Portrait Illustrator
Activity 4: Write a post about your avatar.
Activity 5: Visit Blogging Bootcamp for more activities click here!
Week 1: Click Here
1. Click the link above and scroll down the page to learn about avatars.
2. Write a post about your avatar. Tell us how your avatar represents you. Include a link to the website where you created the avatar. Remember to include your avatar as an image in your post. Give your post an interesting title.
3. Browse the list of challenge participants here (scroll down the page to the list where you can click on the blog URLs). Leave a comment on 3 student posts or pages. When commenting, follow these guidelines:
- Write your comment like a letter
- Ask a question, make a connection, or give a compliment
- Leave your blog URL so the blogger can also take a look at your blog (Close your comment by saying, “Please visit my blog at……”
4. If you would like someone to visit your blog, submit the form at the bottom of this page.
Week 2: Click Here
Week 3: Click Here