Typing Raffle Rules

End of year Typing Prize Raffle (3rd-6th)

To earn tickets for the raffle, all lessons & tests (see requirements below) must have been completed by Friday, MAY 10, 2024.  Raffle tickets will be handed out on Tuesday the last week of school. Students will make their choices for the entries for items at that time and the drawing will be held at the assembly the following day on Wednesday.

LESSONS may be complete anywhere and any time on any computer with a web browser.  Be sure to practice home row and try not to look at your hands while you type. We want to MEMORIZE where the letters are using home row technique.

TESTS: Only tests taken in the computer lab during your weekly scheduled class time count.  Every test is time/date stamped, so any tests not taken during your normal computer class are filtered out.

1 test qualifying test=1 raffle ticket. LESSON requirements must also be fulfilled by the deadline date. TICKETS will be given out a day or two before the drawing at the last assembly of the year.


RAFFLE Requirements:

3rd grade

  1. FINISH ALL the Beginner lessons on typing.com (keep going to Intermediate & Advanced if you finish!)
  2. Take a 1 minute (or more) TEST on typing.com DURING computer class with at least 8 wpm AND 95% accuracy

4th grade

  1. FINISH at least TWO (2) consecutive SECTIONS (Beginner/Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, or Advanced/Other)
  2. Take a 1 minute (or more) TEST on typing.com DURING computer class with at least 12 wpm AND 95% accuracy

5th grade

  1. FINISH at least TWO (2) consecutive SECTIONS (Beginner/Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, or Advanced/Other)
  2. Take a 3 minute TEST on typing.com DURING computer class with at least 15 wpm AND 95% accuracy

6th grade

  1. FINISH at least TWO (2) consecutive SECTIONS (Beginner/Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, or Advanced/Other)
  2. Take a 3 minute TEST on typing.com DURING computer class with at least 20 wpm AND 95% accuracy

There are THREE main Typing Lessons/Sections (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced).

If you start the year with Advanced, choose any of the OTHER lessons under it (NOT Coding Essentials or Your Problem Keys) for your second SECTION to finish.

Coding a Tree in Python

Want to try coding a simple picture during Christmas break? This is Python, so choose Python 3 for the language from the drop down in the upper right.  Note that indentation matters; the last print command (line 9) for instance is out of the ‘for’ loop above it.  Lines 1-9 define TREE and line 11 simply runs ‘tree’ as you defined it.

If you can’t figure out the exact number of spaces & underscores (lines 6 & 9), just eyeball it and give it a run.  You can always adjust/fix it afterwards and re-run it. Try different characters for x instead of * so it uses different shapes to draw with (line 2) or a different character at the end of line 6 instead of the exclamation point.

Use this website: https://www.onlinegdb.com/


Hour of Code Activities


Learn basic coding concepts during Computer Science Education week (second week of December of every year). Try your hand at new coding challenges using the Hour of Code website.  Learn about loops, conditionals, algorithms and other basic programming concepts.  Problem-solving through programming games & activities is a fun way to learn about coding! Check out all the activities!

Learn more about the history of Computer Science Education Week here:



Digital Citizenship Week

Digital Citizenship Week October 10/16-10/20
As students step up and out onto the Internet, EGUSD wants to ensure that they understand the need to think before they post – to treat others with respect, to build and maintain a positive digital footprint, to protect their online privacy and the privacy of others, and to respect intellectual property boundaries.  Digital Citizenship lessons are integrated into the computer education curriculum here at Pleasant Grove and these concepts are also

Learn more at the website below: 

Constitution Day! (9/17)

September 17th is Constitution Day.  Federal law requires every federally funded educational institution to educate students on the history and importance of the U.S. Constitution on this day.  Below are a few links to learn about and commemorate the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787.

Basic Facts: Ben’s Guide (K-6), the History of the U.S. Constitution (4-6)

Links for students/teachers:

Welcome Back

You may remember this video from the first day of school a couple of years ago (2021) when we first opened after new construction. The field and playground were not finished until later that year.

If you need a little reminder about getting started on your Chromebook & using the Portal, watch the video below. IGNORE the part about ZOOM meetings at the end, that information is no longer relevant.

Typing Raffle 2023 Prizes

Typing prizes will be raffled off at the end of the year assembly on Wed., May 24th. The cutoff for tests & completion of lessons was Friday, May 12th. Tickets will be handed out on May 22nd and if students have multiple tickets, students must cut them up prior to the assembly to use them. 

Raffle RULES / INFO: https://blogs.egusd.net/pglab/typing/

Raffle Items this year:

Various 3D Printed Objects
Selfie Ring Light Tripod/Phone Holder
Digital Drawing/Sketch Pad
Gaming Mouse/Keyboard
Bluetooth Earbuds
3D Pen (comes with filament)
LED Light Frisbee
Mini Drone
Light up Bluetooth Speaker
Rubik’s Connected Cube
Action Camera
14″ HP Chromebook (unlocked)
(ONLY 5th/6th graders are eligible to win Chromebook-3 min. tests req.)