First Homework

Yesterday your child brought home their first homework assignment. It is a special edition because they will be completing their Star Student poster. Daily reading should also take place for at least 10 minutes. Below you can view a picture of Mrs. Arriaga and Mrs. Young’s posters to get you started. Have fun!! These are due back in the folders on Friday.

Wednesday Folders

Yesterday we sent home our first Wednesday Folders.  Please check for these each Wednesday in your child’s backpack.  Some papers will need to be filled out and returned, while others are just informational.  Please note the white stickers inside the folder.   The “Remove” side are for papers to take out of the folder and keep at home.  The papers that need to be filled in and returned are on the “Sign and Return” side of the folder.  Wednesday Folders are due on Fridays.

Coming home today are the following:

Letter about our Watch D.O.G. Program
July and August Student/Parent Calendar
Go Math Resources

If you have any questions about these, please let us know.


What’s Going On!

What a lovely first week of school we had!  The students are really learning how to work in the classroom and beginning to understand the routines of kindergarten.

Safety Drills – We have been busy this first week of school practing our safety drills: fire, duck and cover (earthquake), and intruder.  We have been explaining to students that these are just practice and we just want to know what to do in case of an emergency.  Mrs. Young’s class will be practicing more in August when A track begins school.  Everyone has done a great job listening and following directions!

Backpacks – Please go through and take out papers in the backpacks nightly.
Review with your child and keep these papers at home.  Go Math and other papers may come home and appear to be “incomplete”. In class we may have gone through the papers in small or whole groups. These papers do not need to be returned to school but please work with your child individually to complete them.  Backpacks need to come to school empty with the exception of snacks.  Thank you!

Important Dates

August 6 – Minimum Day –  Mrs. Young’s class will join Mrs. Arriaga’s class in the morning from 8:20-11:51 a.m.  Grades 1-6 will dismiss at 12:50 p.m.

August 22 – Picture Day for Tracks A and D.



Today we started Workshop.  This time often becomes one of the favorite parts of the kindergarten day. The students will be in groups of 3 where they learn to work and help each other. The student groups change approximately every two weeks so they can really get to know all the students in class well. Each day the task will change so be sure to ask your child what they did in workshop!

Workshop # 1 Math-Bus Stop Game
Workshop # 2 Puzzles-Wooden ABCs and Numbers
Workshop # 3 Free Art-Fine Motor with pipecleaners
Workshop # 4 Manipulatives-Duplos
Workshop # 5 Language Arts-Felt Shapes
Workshop # 6 Science-Sensory Counting
Workshop # 7 Listening Center-A Pocket Full of Kisses and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Workshop # 8 Art Project-Color Collage

1st Day of Kindergarten

We all had such a great first day of Kindergarten!  We learned about our classroom and friends.  We also took a “First Day of Kindergarten” picture and drew a picture of ourselves.  Tomorrow we begin the regular schedule for kindergarten.  AM Kinder 8:20-11-:51,  PM Kinder 11:09-2:40.

Thank you for turning in the dated and signed paperwork.  If you have not done so yet,  please turn in all paperwork by tomorrow.

This year in Kindergarten we have a few students in our classes who are allergic to peanuts.  We are asking parents to provide a snack with no nuts and no peanutbutter if you are able to.

We look forward to doing it all over again tomorrow!  See you then!