Miniature Me

This is me, I guess. I tried to make as realistic as possible (except for the dragon wings.) I modeled her to look exactly like me, from my purple glasses to my purple shoes. I think it’s pretty obvious that I like purple. I chose to have the dragon wings because they symbolize my love…


  The title may seem like unoriginal, but I was assigned to write a jumbled-up fairy tale. We had to pick random characters, themes, settings, and titles. The story had to be relevant to the title as well. So enjoy my jumbled-up fairy tale!   Once upon a time, there were three beautiful daughters who…


Colors of Rain Frigid droplets fly From the air and through the sky Waning to rainbows Lost Stars Constellations shine Forming brand new shapes each night To find their lost names Trees Stroke the Wind Reaching through warm air To touch the sun and the wind Trees caress the breeze

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