
It’s spring! What is your favorite thing to do during the springtime?


Spring is an amazing season, and I think it should be recognized as the best season around. For one thing, it isn’t sweltering or freezing, but just the right temperature. For instance, this lets you go outside to enjoy the sunshine without having to deal with the hassle of putting on sunscreen or a jacket. Secondly, flowers would start blooming. For example, if you had flowers in your house, it would soon be filled with their exquisite fragrance by the time Spring had arrived. Finally, almost all of the animals would be reproducing. Furthermore, you would be able to see all of the adorably cute baby animals. Spring is obviously the season that stands out the most, even if it comes with a few allergies.


What is your favorite season? Let me know in the comments below!

3 thoughts on “Springtime!

  1. Hello Zoe,
    I like the season of Spring as well. It’s great to open all the windows and smell the fresh air. Even the rain has a clean scent. I enjoy listening to all the birds chirping and the bugs (crickets and frogs) making their noises.
    However, my all-time favorite is Autumn. I love the colors and the crispness in the air. It’s a great time to take walks in the woods or build a bonfire. Love those S’mores! I totally understand the allergy comment. I do my fair share of sneezing during those seasons.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. I like summer. Not only was I born in the middle of it, that’s the time for all the GOOD food! Hamburgers, garlic fries, popsicles, frozen custard, mm, Mmm, MMM! Besides, it’s the perfect time for swimming and wearing sunglasses. Everybody looks cool in sunglasses.

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