Vengeance Between Dimensions Chp. 8 ☪

“Oh Nyx, Nyx, Nyx…” the black phoenix crooned. “What have you done?”

“I’ve taken what was rightfully MINE.” Nyx hissed.

“Oh really? Haven’t you heard the Crystal Deeps prophecy?” the black phoenix drawled.

“Not that silly prophecy again.” Nyx growled. But it was too late, the black phoenix was already chanting.

“A false queen rises to the crystal throne,

Standing upon a mountain of bone

Searching for the hidden lands,

She seeks the place of crystal sands,

Where the fallen one sleeps

To keep the balance of the deeps

The princess must never rise,

But the queen shall meet her final demise.”


“Ugh.” Nyx scoffed. “Do you really want everyone to believe that ridiculous pile of preposterous junk? Everybody knows only the lost empress could see the future.”

“Maybe. But perhaps her descendants could as well?” the black phoenix slunk behind a golden pillar and caressed its smooth, shiny surface.

“Impossible. You must be detained.!” Nyx snarled.

“I don’t think so.” the black phoenix smiled crookedly. “Forgotten Ones… The time has come…” she said in a singsong voice.

“For what?” Nyx said in a dubious tone.

“To take back our place in this glorious empire.” said the black phoenix. Then, she dissipated into smoke, and the shadows on the walls seemingly detached themselves, growing bigger and bigger, fluid creatures with no regard for the laws of this universe.

No one heard the screams in the distant castle.

“FINALLY. Ugh, that was intense.” Shadow groaned, flopping onto the summit of the mountain. It was really more of a plateau, with the mountain’s size.

“Hey! You’re not the one who had to FLY all the way up here. I had to CARRY you like a big baby!” Crescent Wing yelped.

“Ow, ow, ow, my lungs!” Shadow whined, wheezing. The air here was thin, and splitting headaches were common. The clouds were far below them, yet the Ether was so far away…

“I-I I see it!” Crescent’s eyes were glazed over.

“The Ether?!? Can you see it?!?” Shadow exclaimed excitedly.

But her eyes dimmed, her legs buckling. The last thing Crescent Wing saw before she blacked out was a crystalline staircase winding up forever into the sky, a hallucination becoming more real than ever…


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