Vengeance Between Dimensions Chp. 2 ☪

“Still falling…” Shadow thought miserably, his striped black and green wings still tucked firmly against his back. He had ceased his attempts to fly, as he realized they were utterly pointless. Although he did still clutch longingly at the air around him as though there was something to grab onto. It felt to him like he was being drowned by the intoxicating colors of the sky, and suffocated by the glacial wind. He shivered. Then, with a resonating “PLOMF!!!”, he struck the ground with such impact, that a crater with a wide radius surrounded him. Shadow could feel his broken bones, his internal bleeding, and his barely thumping heart.

“Owwwwwwww…” he moaned, mourning the loss of his home.

“PLOMF!” A small thump outside of her cave startled Crescent into consciousness.

“Huh…?” she murmured softly to herself. Crawling into the blinding blue glare of the second sun, she saw a mangled corpse lying at the center of a bloodied red crater. It twitched.

She recoiled in utter disgust. She gagged.“Blech.”

“Help me….” croaked Shadow.

“Um, sure. In a minute, okay?” she muttered, looking away. She stripped a nearby Aqualace Tree of it dewy leaves. It had been preserved in frost like every other fauna or plant life. This was the sole reason that any of the trees here survived. Aqualaces were the only source of non-frozen water. They also served well to heal wounds.

“Here you go!” Crescent exclaimed, wrapping up Shadow. After that, she commenced to drag him to her home.

Inside the humid cave, Shadow healed up after a few weeks. During this time, neither ever spoke a single word to one another. Shadow still had a slight limp, just to remind him of his loss. He would never forget how his own brother had betrayed him.

To be continued…

3 thoughts on “Vengeance Between Dimensions Chp. 2 ☪

  1. The symbol that will represent this specific series is ☪. It will now be appearing in the titles of each chapter.

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