Once upon a time, there was a quaint little planet named Venus. The planet named Earth, adored her. He was so charmed by her beauty, that he deemed her the most beautiful planet in the Milky Way. Venus, oblivious to Earth’s affection, was dead set on getting Jupiter. He was the biggest and most popular planet. Though Jupiter was mean spirited and selfish, Venus, Mercury, and Pluto all fell over themselves for him.
One day as Earth was orbiting the sun, Jupiter sneered in his face,”You’ll never get the girl. She’s mine!”
Venus, who had accidentally eavesdropped whispered to herself,”Oh my,” as she realized how terrible Jupiter’s personality was. Immeadiatly, Venus felt selfish for wanting Jupiter all to herself. She realized Earth would have been a much better option becuase he actually cared about her, not the popularity he would gain if she showed her affections to him openly.
The very next time she met Earth, she apologized to him for ignoring him. Earth exploded with joy as she said,”I know I was selfish, so do you want to… I don’t know, take a little stroll with me?”
“I would indeed.” he replied.
Jupiter watched from afar, infuriated that his chance to get Venus had been ruined. Of course, Mercury and Pluto still swooned over him, though…