Link at the Left
This is the link to our Zehnder Ranch Tech Site. It has a wealth of information that is helpful for distance learning. It is being updated often to reflect the needs of our school site. Most of the pertinent items on the parent resources doc (Shown second from right below) have been included in this website.
Link second from Left
Another Computer Resource Teacher created a document that put all the best parent resources found or created thus far for distance learning by all the EGUSD Computer Resource teachers in one “cheat sheet”. I have amended this document to meet our ZRES needs which condenses all the best parent tutorials and help in one location. Here is a link for that document. It may change over time, as I find more helpful links to add. Click on the Longhorns picture below to access the ZRES Parent Help Document.
Link second from Right
Click the center link to view a Chromebook tutorial for distance learning. Again another Computer Resource Teacher created this and I amended it to meet our needs at Zehnder Ranch.
Link a the Right
At the right is a link to the EGUSD Family Resources page. There is a link at that site for at home enrichment activities and virtual field trips for students under the Distance Learning heading.