Olivia was a smart, funny girl who lived in the small town of Oak Grove. She had a lot of friends and was well liked by all.
One day, Olivia was walking home from school when she noticed a suspicious looking man following her. She tried to ignore him, but he persisted. As she got closer to her house, the man began to speed up, and Olivia quickly realized that he was trying to catch up with her.
In a panic, Olivia ran home and locked all the doors. She called the police, who came and took a statement from her.
Little did Olivia know, but the man had been hired by a rival of her father’s. This rival had been trying to get revenge on her father for some time, and saw Olivia as an easy target. He had hired the man to murder Olivia, but thankfully, she had managed to escape.
The police launched an investigation, and eventually, the man was caught. Olivia’s father was able to get revenge on his rival, and justice was served.
Olivia was safe, but she was shaken by the experience. She never went anywhere alone after that, and always made sure to stay alert.