weekly debate: Do aliens exist ?

hello this is this weeks debate comment down below to prove your opinions and remember it’s okay for different opinions. If you like these let me know in the comment section so I can make more !

Published by: I Got Fired From Umbrella Corps.

Hello. I enjoy writing, playing horror games, drawing (even though I kinda suck) and going on pinterest.I often post brain rotting stuff so bare with me My favorite color is #a181a1 and #261212. I'm also a Resident Evil and silent hill fan. If any of these topics pique you interest (


4 thoughts on “weekly debate: Do aliens exist ?”

  1. Yes aliens do exist. People proved it and now they are trying to find ways to communicate with them. Hopefully they will help me tyrant over the lands of earth, and sooner or later the SOLAR SYSTEM. MUAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAAHAAHAHAH

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