An Introduction to Islam

Islam is all about believing in one God (Allah) and that Muhammad is the last prophet. They have five pillars of faith: saying the Shahada, praying five times a day (Salat), giving money to charity (Zakat), fasting during Ramadan (Sawm), and going on a pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj).


Muslims pray five times every day, fast during Ramadan, give money to charity, and go to Mecca for pilgrimage . Islam is all about being a good person and doing good stuff.

Even though most Muslims are peaceful, some people think Islam is all about violence and terrorism. But that’s not true! Islam is about love, peace, and being kind. There’s also this stereotype that all Muslims are Arab, which is totally not true. Muslims come from all kinds of backgrounds and races.

Islam is awesome because it’s all about peace, love, and being kind.


Published by: I Got Fired From Umbrella Corps.

Hello. I enjoy writing, playing horror games, drawing (even though I kinda suck) and going on pinterest.I often post brain rotting stuff so bare with me My favorite color is #a181a1 and #261212. I'm also a Resident Evil and silent hill fan. If any of these topics pique you interest (

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