
Once upon a time, there lived a boy named Edison and his friend Daryn. They lived in a world where crime ran rampant, and it seemed like no one was safe from the criminals.

One day, Edison and Daryn heard about a particular criminal who was known for his violent and extreme behavior. He had committed multiple murders, and the authorities had not been able to capture him. Knowing that this criminal was a danger to the public, Edison and Daryn decided to take matters into their own hands.

The two friends devised a plan to assassinate the murderer. They waited until he was alone and then ambushed him. Edison used his genius to craft a violent and extreme gore manner of assassination. Daryn provided the muscle, and together the two of them succeeded in killing the murderer.

The citizens of the town were relieved and grateful to Edison and Daryn for ridding the town of the criminal. They even gave a reward to the two friends for their brave actions.

From then on, Edison and Daryn were known as heroes. They had used their intelligence and strength to make their town a safer place, and they would forever be remembered as heroes by the people of the town.

Published by: I Got Fired From Umbrella Corps.

Hello. I enjoy writing, playing horror games, drawing (even though I kinda suck) and going on pinterest.I often post brain rotting stuff so bare with me My favorite color is #a181a1 and #261212. I'm also a Resident Evil and silent hill fan. If any of these topics pique you interest (

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